
Thursday 30 July 2015

TO DIY OR NOT TO DIY ❤︎ Clarifying Shampoo❤︎

Ooooh what's this you see, is this a new series....YES! So I love me a little DIY, I love me some
beauty, I love Pinterest and trying new DIY beauty treatments, so I thought why not make a series with it. So what I will be doing is scouring Pinterest (oh I know so tragic 😊) for some little Beauty DIY's, trying them out and reporting back to you!

So today we're going to look at the DIY Clarifying Shampoo that's been pinned about 65 million times on Pinterest, so I have no idea who to credit for this (I will always credit the original source if I can find them).  So according to the pin this shampoo will rid your hair of any product buildup, buildup from the water used to wash your hair (yes that is a thing) and any build up from the environment.

What You Will Need

Ok so what you need to do is take the normal amount of shampoo you would use to wash your lovely locks, and mix it with baking soda and's that simple!

❤︎Few hints for you❤︎
  1. Don't mix the two together and then take a casual wash of the bod leaving the concoction to just bubble away and become redundant.
  2. Don't take an entire packet/tin of baking soda into the shower...this is not recommended because you'll end up wetting the whole damn thing and well that's just sad.
  3. Make sure you apply immediately when mixed.
  4. Don't get it in your hurts...a lot!
You're most likely wondering now "well did it work?", as far as clarify yes it did, surprisingly! My hair felt lighter and cleaner, so it did definitely work.

I would suggest if you are going to try it, to have a nourishing conditioner on hand as this does leave your hair feeling very dry, but nothing a good conditioner can't fix.

I'd love to know your views on this series and if you have any DIY's you'd like me to try :)

Until next time...


  1. YAY!! I love DIY's :D Awesome

    1. Hahahahaha Yay, I'm so glad I have a lover of the new series :)

  2. I would actually really try this, totally love this idea for a series as well, I always wonder if those DIY's really work

    1. Try it and let me know what you think :) That's what I'm here for, happy to be the pinterest test dummy :)
