
Tuesday 7 July 2015

{Review} Wet 'n Wild Megaslicks Balm Stain in "Lady and the Vamp"

As you can probably tell by the title of this post and the giant picture above, today we're talking Wet 'n Wild review!

I stumbled upon this gem at my local Clicks and thought "hey, I'll give this a try". I've never been a huge fan of balm sticks, even though they say their "moisturising", 9 out of 10 times my lips end up being super gross and cracked and the colour sits in the cracks. For some reason I thought this one would be different...and I was right.

This for me is an awesome plum shade perfect for winter.

The application of this is completely build able, you can have a light tint to your lips or vamp it up (see what I did there ;)) by applying more to the lips. The formula goes on smoothly and evenly. The formula is infused with Acai Palm Oil, used due to its high fatty content, allowing for additional moisture to the lips. Another plus during the ridiculously dry winter we seem to be having.

Tips and Tricks 
I thought I would impart some wisdom that I've gathered when using this product

❤︎ Scrub your lips before use
Although this product is moisturising to the lips, if you have already cracked or peeling lips, the       product will build up in those cracks and let's be honest, that's not a good look on any one. If you need a DIY scrub why not check out my Water Melon Lip Scrub here.

❤︎ Use a lip liner
Darker colours have a tendency to bleed (move off your lips and leave you looking ridiculous), a lip liner will help keep this bad boy in place. I use liner all over my lips for longer wear.

❤︎Try a lip brush
Although the application of this is really easy, as the stick starts to get more wear, application may not be as precise, so I would suggest using a lip brush to insure perfect application every time.

The silver bottom actually turns allowing for even more product awesomeness to emerge.

I know with a lot of darker shades there's always this worry of how it will wear, the awesome thing about this lip stain is that it's just that, a stain. It after a long day of wear my lips were left a pretty faded red/plum colour

(cheesy smile for you)

This is what my lips were left to look like after I wiped off every last drop, how crazy cool is that?

You can buy these at any Clicks stores, however they are limited edition so I'd skedaddle if I were you!

I'd love to know if you try Lady and The Vamp out, of what your experience has been with any of the other 5 shades available, so let me know!

Until next time...