
Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Super Gorgeous Blog - Photo A Day Challenge - October 2014

Happy October :) 

I can't believe that there are 3 months left in 2014, its absolutely crazy. I was browsing through my Instagram feed this morning and got so excited when I stumbled across the Super Gorgeous Photo-A-Day challenge, I just HAD to get involved.
Now if you aren't 100% certain what this is, let me break it down for you. Basically each day, for the month of October, has a theme. You need to take a picture of something that you feel best represents that days theme. What I love most about this challenge is that it revolves around having fun and expressing youself! There is no pressure to post every day, or to post what everyone elses idea of the theme is, this is completely up to you and your imagination.

So why not get involved and have some fun? Here's what you need to do:

"Screenshot this image and post it to your instagram / Twitter / blog.... or wherever it is that you'd like to be doing the challenge. Tag some friends to play too - the more playing, the merrier!
Make sure to use the hashtag #SuperGorgeousBlog so everyone else playing along can look at, and support your photos.
Don't worry if you miss a day or even a few - this is meant to be fun, not a chore! If you want to do just a handful of days.... do it!
Most of all... HAVE FUN!"
(taken from

I can't wait to see all of your pretty pics! 

Have a rad day!


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